Monday, November 23, 2009

100 days :*

Hi guys.. aku lagi ngerjain Kliping Geografi, dan, hihi.. ngambil waktu dikiiiit aja, untuk nulis blog :P

okay, back to the main topic..

It's been 100 days, since the first time I chat with him..
and no one knows it'll end up like this :P

Dan, yang menejutkan, dia ngitung harinya!! Gimana ya caranya?! Ada yang tau?!

Owh, yeah, besok hari ultah Villain.. he's finnaly 15!! *Finnaly?*

And, I still wondered, how did I have, like a zillion, common with him, and I just met him, like idk, 4 Months ago?! But, I am really happy, like I never been happy before, that he was here, with me.. Je T'aime Villain :*

Anyway, Back to work, and my right hand misses my coumputer mouse (Fuc* you hand! I wanna write more!) and my mom could catch me doing this :P Bye~


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