Friday, October 15, 2010

I'm back, NUTHEADS!!

Dear My Most Strangest Blog yet,

I missed posting on you so much..
it' been. idk, so long after my last postdear blog, I missed you..
and thinking of this bad ol' blog is getting normal-er and normal-er everyday, well, I should working on this shit immidiately.. pronto, but since I'm using some random office com rigth now, it's pretty impossible, atleast I could write this shit.. well, thanks Justin Bayer (a frind of mom), your name reminds me to Justin Beiber :| thanks anyway..

I'll just do some simple designing for this blog.. I'm working on the header now, in real life.. should scan it.. but I'll work on the layer, immidiately :) promise..

I'm so bored here.. but thenk you Justin E. Bayer, again.. :)) btw, it's been 1 year and 2 month with my boyfriend.. should attend ka' Ellen's one year party or sumtin, but I can't:( too bad:(:-< she's my idol :))

well then, write later.. way later.. Bye!!


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